Refrigerator Repair Denver

Call a technician to repair the refrigerator

The refrigerator is a crucial part of any kitchen, and it can be devastating to see it malfunction or stop working altogether. A sudden break can result in wasted food and a financial burden on your household. Therefore, it's essential to maintain your refrigerator properly and in a timely manner. Here are five crucial maintenance tips to help keep your appliance in excellent condition and avoid expensive repairs:

  1. Clean the coils regularly. The coils at the lower back of the refrigerator can become dirty over time, especially if you have pets. Use a coil-cleaning tool, a stiff brush, or a specialized vacuum cleaner attachment to remove dust from the coils and condenser fan every 3-4 months.
  2. Ensure the gasket seals tightly. A poorly sealed gasket can lead to cool air escaping, impeding the fridge's efficiency and increasing energy consumption. If the gasket is damaged, replace it. Regularly clean the gasket with soapy water.
  3. Replace filters. Replace the icemaker and water dispenser filters promptly to keep them in good working order. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for your fridge model to replace filters correctly.
  4. Control the moisture level. Uncovered food in the fridge can evaporate moisture and spoil other food items while decreasing the fridge's cooling properties. Use plastic containers to minimize moisture and make more efficient use of storage space.
  5. Avoid putting hot or steaming food in the fridge. Putting hot food in the fridge forces the appliance to work harder to balance the temperature, leading to increased energy consumption. Wait for hot food to cool before storing it in the fridge.

Refrigerators, although durable and long-lasting, can still experience issues despite regular maintenance. Common problems include clogged defrost drains, water spills, ice buildup, inconsistent cooling, heating of outer walls, increased noise levels, and food freezing and icing. While some minor repairs can be done at home, major electrical issues or central part replacements require the assistance of professional technicians.

If you require refrigerator repair services, our Denver-based company is a reputable and trustworthy option. Our skilled technicians will perform a thorough diagnostic evaluation to identify the issue and provide expert advice on the best solution. Contact us today to schedule a visit and get your refrigerator back to working condition.

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